
How to Craft Strategic Campaigns For 2024: Lessons from Spotify Wrapped


As the dust settles on 2023 and we eagerly anticipate the new year, A pressing question looms in the mind of many businesses and their key management staff: How can our business craft strategic campaigns for 2024 that will yield massive results?


Yes, the coming year holds promises and challenges, this makes it essential for companies to plan their marketing strategies with precision and foresight. Drawing inspiration from successful brands can often provide valuable insights and one source of inspiration worth exploring is the success of Spotify Wrapped.


What is Spotify Wrapped

Spotify Wrapped is a strategic viral marketing campaign by Spotify that has become an annual tradition since its inception in 2016. Each early December, Spotify users are given the opportunity to explore a curated compilation of their activity data on the platform throughout the past year, with an invitation to share this personalized summary on various social media platforms.


The brilliance of Spotify Wrapped lies in its deliberate data collection. Spanning from January to a few weeks before launch (November 29 for the latest edition), the campaign compiles user activity into a visually stunning presentation. For a song or podcast to be deemed “streamed,” users must engage with it for at least 30 seconds, ensuring that the data is a genuine reflection of user preferences.


The popularity of Spotify Wrapped has soared over the years. In 2017, 30 million users accessed it, a number that increased to over 120 million in 2021. This viral sensation isn’t confined to the Spotify app; nearly 60 million Wrapped stories and graphics flooded social media platforms in 2021. The figures for 2022 were staggering as well—over 156 million users engaged with Wrapped. While marketers from around the world are looking forward to the figures from 2023


Why is Spotify Wrapped so popular?

  1. Curiosity and self-discovery: Wrapped satisfies people’s innate desire to know themselves better. We’re all intrigued by our own listening patterns, from our most-played genre to our most obscure guilty pleasure.
  2. Community and connection: Spotify Wrapped isn’t just a personal experience; it’s a shared ritual. Friends and followers compare their stats, celebrate their shared obsessions, and discover new artists from each other’s playlists.
  3. Playful self-promotion: Wrapped allows us to brag (or jokingly lament) about our musical tastes in a fun, non-judgmental way. Who doesn’t love a good “Top 0.05% listener” badge?
  4. Strategic marketing genius: For Spotify, Wrapped is a data-driven goldmine. It gathers valuable insights into user preferences, strengthens user engagement, and promotes artist discovery.

Key Takeaways from Spotify Wrapped Campaigns:

Here are some key takeaways from Spotify Wrapped that you can apply to your own marketing campaigns in the new year:


  • Personalization is King:

Spotify Wrapped is a masterclass in personalization. The platform uses user data to curate a unique experience for each individual, showcasing their top artists, genres, and even the minutes they spent listening.

This year, Spotify Wrapped introduced two exciting features: “Me in 2033” and “Sound Town.” “Me in 2023” showcases a personalized streaming habit that shaped your music preferences throughout the year. By flipping your card, it unveils a unique listening character tailored to your tastes and habits on Spotify. This creative data presentation can be easily shared on social media, allowing you to celebrate and showcase the authentic Spotify version of yourself. “Sound Town” adds another layer by matching users to a city based on their listening and shared artist affinity, providing an engaging way to connect with your musical community.



This level of personalization creates a sense of connection and engagement that keeps users coming back for more.

In your own campaigns, find ways to personalize your messaging and content to each individual user. This could be as simple as using their name or incorporating their location into your marketing materials. You can also leverage data to tailor your messages and offers to their specific interests and needs.


  • User-Generated Content Fuels Engagement:

The campaign’s genius is in turning users into brand advocates. People willingly share their Spotify Wrapped stories, creating a ripple effect on social media. Encourage UGC in your campaigns. Whether it’s reviews, testimonials, or user-generated visuals, involving your audience in the narrative builds a sense of community and authenticity.


  • Shareable Content:

When creating content, make sure it’s designed to be shared. This means using visually appealing formats, including strong calls to action, and making it easy for users to share on their favorite social media platforms.


Spotify Wrapped makes it easy for users to share their results with just a few clicks. This ease of sharing is key to the campaign’s virality and success.


  • Craft Compelling Press Releases: 

A well-crafted press release can play a crucial role in creating a buzz around your campaign and targeting specific audiences. Spotify’s press releases for Wrapped are strategically designed to capture the attention of music enthusiasts who resonate with their personal listening habits. By emphasizing the emotional connection people have with music and their personal journeys throughout the year, Spotify creates a relatable and engaging narrative that draws in their target audience. 


  • Timing is Everything:

The timing of your campaign is crucial to its success. Spotify Wrapped launches at the perfect time, just as people are reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the next. This helps to capture their attention and make a lasting impression.


Consider the timing of your own campaigns carefully. Identify key moments when your target audience is most engaged and receptive to your message.


Next Steps
Now that you’ve seen that there are lessons to be learned from Spotify Wrapped 2023, what are you going to do, seeing that the year has come to an end? Well, these should be your next line of action:


  • Dig Deep

The first step in strategic preparation is to dig deep into the roots of your organization. Take a moment to understand your history, values, target audience, competitors, and market dynamics. This process, akin to logic, is a crucial foundation for informed decision-making. Conduct comprehensive research and analysis to uncover the essence that defines your identity. This clarity will serve as the bedrock for strategic planning.


Action Steps:

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of your organizational history and values.
  • Identify your target audience and understand their needs and preferences.
  • Analyze competitors and market trends to grasp the dynamics of your industry.


  • Define Your Magic

Once armed with comprehensive insights, the next step is to define a clear and compelling brand narrative. This involves distilling the essence of your brand into a message that resonates with your audience. This narrative, referred to as “magic,” goes beyond the logical aspects and taps into the emotional connection your brand can create. This is usually called the “The Big Idea”


Action Steps:

  • Develop a concise and compelling brand narrative that encapsulates your essence.
  • Ensure your narrative aligns with the values and aspirations of your target audience.
  • Craft messaging that sets your brand apart and resonates emotionally with your audience.


  • Harmonize the Logic and Magic

Effective strategic preparation is a delicate balance between logic and magic. Logic provides the foundation, ensuring your brand is built on a solid understanding of your target audience, market, and competitive landscape. Magic, on the other hand, infuses your brand with an emotional connection, creating a narrative that not only attracts but compels your audience to engage.


Action Steps:

  • Align your brand narrative with the insights gained from thorough research.
  • Ensure that logical considerations, such as market dynamics, guide your strategic decisions.
  • Find the sweet spot where logic and magic seamlessly harmonize, creating a powerful brand identity.


  • Fan the Flames

With a solid foundation and a compelling narrative in place, it’s time to fan the flames of success. This involves actively promoting and engaging with your audience. Utilize various channels, from social media to traditional marketing, to spread your brand story and connect with your target demographic.


As a top PR agency in Lagos, we offer strategic services like Media Relations, Crisis Management, Event Management Reputation Management to further enhance your campaign’s effectiveness. By combining our strategic PR expertise with your unique brand vision, we can create a powerful and impactful campaign that sets you ablaze in the new year.


Contact us today to discuss how we can help you achieve your marketing goals in 2024!

blogs for EPR

Why Every Business Needs a PR Strategy

There are millions of businesses vying for attention, it’s a constant struggle to cut through the digital noise. Especially in this part of the world that is considered one of the commerical capitals of Africa, PR in Nigeria is a necessity. Standing out as a business isn’t just a choice; it’s a must. More than ever, businesses must consistently showcase their brands and communicate effectively and consistently, as they traverse the digital era. 

Now, consider your business in today’s  dynamic marketplace amongst others. What sets it apart? How do you ensure your business truly stands out?

The answer lies in having a solid Public Relations (PR) strategy.

Public Relations is not what people usually term it. It is not advertising, neither is it just about press releases and media relations. It’s the art and science of building meaningful connections with your audience. 

Your business should stand out not just for its products or services but for its story, its values, and its genuine connection with the audience. A robust PR strategy ensures that this story is not only told but heard, shared, and cherished.

We’ll go over the benefits of investing in a strong public relations plan for all businesses, regardless of size or sector, in this blog post.

Here are seven benefits of implementing a PR strategy

  • Builds Credibility and Trust:

An effectively implemented public relations strategy enhances credibility by presenting your business positively. Positive media recognition, endorsements, and thought leadership positions collectively contribute to building trust with your audience.

  • Increases Brand Visibility:

Public relations activities, such as media placements, press releases, and forming strategic partnerships etc, contribute in  enhancing brand exposure. Maintaining a continuous presence in the media landscape ensures that your business remains memorable to consumers.

  • Connects with Target Audience:

Understanding your audience is crucial for business success. PR strategies help tailor messages that resonate with your target demographic, enhancing your ability to connect with and engage your audience.

  • Supports Marketing Efforts:

PR and marketing work hand in hand. While marketing focuses on promoting products or services, PR adds depth by telling compelling stories, creating a holistic brand image, and fostering a deeper connection with the audience.

  1. Increased SEO opportunities. 

PR can help you improve your search engine rankings. This is done by increasing the number of backlinks to your website and creating content that is relevant to your target keywords. Also leveraging on content marketing will drive the desired traffic 

  • Manages Reputation:

In the age of instant information, businesses need to actively manage their reputation. A PR strategy allows you to control the narrative, respond to crises effectively, and shape public perception.

  • Attracts Investors and Partnerships:

A positive public image generated through PR efforts can attract potential investors and foster valuable partnerships. Investors and partners are more likely to engage with businesses that have a strong and positive reputation.


Digital PR Platforms:

Traditional Media:

  • Even though digital platforms rule the current world, traditional media is still very much in power. Radio, television, newspapers, and magazines are still effective means of reaching a large audience. Including traditional media in your PR plan guarantees a thorough approach to brand exposure.

Digital Media:

  • In the era of social media and smartphones, having a strong online presence is essential. Social media sites such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook offer direct ways to interact with your followers. Creating engaging content and using targeted advertising will help you spread the word about your company more widely in these digital spaces.

Influencer Marketing:

  • Collaborating with influencers in your industry can extend your reach to a more specific and engaged audience. Identify key influencers who align with your brand values and ethos, creating authentic partnerships that resonate with your target demographic.


Audience Analysis:

  • Understanding your target audience is fundamental to any PR strategy. Utilize data analytics tools to gather insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and demographics. This information helps tailor your messages to resonate with your audience effectively.

Competitor Analysis:

  • Keep a close eye on your competitors. Analyzing their PR strategies can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t in your industry. Identify gaps and opportunities to differentiate your brand.

Media Monitoring:

  • Track mentions of your brand across various media channels. Real-time monitoring allows you to respond promptly to both positive and negative publicity, helping to shape public perception.

PR Strategies:


  • Craft compelling narratives that humanize your brand. Share success stories, milestones, and behind-the-scenes glimpses to connect with your audience emotionally.

Crisis Management:

  • Have a crisis communication plan in place. Addressing issues transparently and promptly can mitigate potential damage to your brand’s reputation.

Thought Leadership:

  • Establish your brand as an industry authority by positioning key figures within your organization as thought leaders. Contribute insightful articles, participate in industry events, and share expertise to build credibility.


Euphorique is the leading PR agency in Lagos Nigeria, we have helped businesses implement successful PR strategies that have increased brand awareness and driven brand affinity. Here are some examples of our successful stories



Pr strategies for a pr agency

  1. Sleek Product Launch Campaign:

Our PR strategy challenged conventional beauty standards, promoting body positivity and self-esteem. The campaign garnered widespread attention, showcasing the power of aligning with social issues. Through the creation of unique content for the social media pages and innovative follower engagement strategies, follower count multiplied exponentially – from 2k followers to 9k followers in 6 months on their Instagram page.



Fraicheur was Nigeria’s First Children’s designer perfume store. Euphorique PR was commissioned to provide social media marketing services to promote the event (including live social media coverage at the event), as well as pre-event publicity. generate substantial media coverage. Their ability to create anticipation and buzz illustrates the impact of strategic PR in the tech industry.




Consistency is Key:

  • Maintain a consistent brand message across all platforms. Whether through press releases, social media, or interviews, a unified voice reinforces brand identity.


  • PR strategies should be flexible to adapt to changing circumstances. Be agile in responding to industry trends, market shifts, and emerging issues.

Measure and Adjust:

  • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your PR efforts. Utilize metrics such as media mentions, audience engagement, and sentiment analysis to refine your strategy over time.


In a competitive business landscape, a well-executed PR strategy is not just a luxury but a necessity. From leveraging diverse platforms to harnessing the power of data, businesses can build lasting relationships with their audience. By adopting strategic approaches, drawing inspiration from successful examples, and staying adaptable, every business can unlock the full potential of a robust PR strategy.


Mouthwatering Food & Drinks, Electrifying Music Performances, and Fun Workshops: EatDrinkFestival‘19 was the Highlight of Detty December!

It is often said that “one cannot think well, love well, and sleep well if one has not dined well.” Well, if you attended EatDrinkFestival 2019 a few weeks ago then you should be functioning at full capacity right now because the festival was the perfect blend of sumptuous food and drinks, entertainment, and exciting workshops. Missed it? No worries we’ve got all the highlights right here.

EatDrinkFestival, which took place from December 28th– 29th 2019, was the place to be for food lovers, who showed up en masse to have their taste buds thrilled and get their groove on!

A key attraction of the festival was the eclectic array of food vendors present who served up an amazing variety of cuisine. From Fregz À Porter, to Rhodes BBQ Smokehouse, to Sooyah Bistro, Tutti Blendz & Treats, Korede Spaghetti, and more, festival attendees were spoiled for choice.

One of the highlights of the event was a food competition hosted by Maggi for festival-goers, in which two lucky people won N30,000 worth of Shoprite vouchers and loads of goodies from Maggi.

And can we talk about the workshops? They were so fun! The younger festival guests were treated to a cupcake decorating class supported by Arla Nigeria where the little ones got to learn how to decorate cupcakes.

Another memorable demonstration that took place was conducted by popular food influencer, Kitchen Butterfly, where she taught the audience how to make her signature “pawpaw chutney.” It was interesting to see her make such a sweet snack out of a few affordable ingredients in very little time.

Food Photographer and Content Creator, Anjola Awosika, also shared some very useful food photography tips with the audience that can be used by everyday people to take compelling pictures using nothing else but their phones.

On the second day of the festival, the organizers switched things up by having a totally new set of vendors present. This way everyone was able to buy from their favorite vendors on both days without feeling the need to overwhelm themselves with too much food in one day. Vendors like Dooney’s kitchen, Heels in the kitchen, Igbadun Brewing Company, and a host of others delighted attendees with some yummy goodness.

Another memorable aspect of the Festival Dr. Howard Conyers talk. Dr. Conyers is a South Carolina Whole Hog BBQ Pitmaster, rocket scientist, and public speaker all the way from New Orleans, gave an insightful talk about Barbeque and the culture surrounding it.

In the evening the festival ground was alive and pumping with electrifying music and energetic performances from Afrobeat Queen Niniola, BOJ, Dami Oniru, and Gigi Atlantis.

EatDrinkFestival is sponsored by Sterling Bank. Other sponsors include Maggi, Arla, Piggyvest, Barter, and Google

Media Partners: Silverbird TV, Cool FM, BellaNaija, Pulse NG, YNaija, News Central TV, Food Bay TV, Kaftan TV, Lagos moms, Business Day, FOMO Lagos, Culture Custodian, Filmhouse Cinemas, NATIVE.


Tiwa Savage, Osas Ighodaro, Lilian Afegbai, Ehiz & More Attend CB Beauty Bar Launch

Not everyone can say they are living the life of their dreams – and that their source of livelihood comes from doing something they actually love.

Renowned Hairstylist and Beauty Entrepreneur, Chyna Bee, is one such person.

She is a beauty styling expert with vast years of experience under her belt. Chyna is most notably known as Tiwa Savage’s official hairstylist, and she has worked with most A-listers in the entertainment industry.

Chyna recently launched her establishment, CB Beauty Bar, a unisex one-stop location for beauty and grooming needs, which is located at 27 Fola Osibo Road, Lekki Phase 1.

Celebrities, family, loved ones and customers attended the event and showed tremendous support.

Guests enjoyed numerous discounted and free services during the launch including, wig styling, barbing services, manicure/pedicure, makeup sessions, and more.

Attendees were also treated to cocktails, yummy food, and good music. It was such a great time!

Osas Ighodaro, Lilian Afegbai, Ehiz, Dorcas Shola-Fapson, Sam Walsh, D’ija, Ezinne Asinugo, and more celebrities came through.


Chigul, Kaylah Oniwo, Joe Abdallah & More Turn Up at Bland2Glam’s 7th Anniversary Beach Party

Nigeria’s Leading Jewelry brand, Bland2Glam, recently celebrated its 7th anniversary and new men’s jewelry line and tee-shirt line, by throwing a star-studded strictly-by-invitation beach party at Landmark Beach, and it was loads of fun!

Celebrities and influencers including Chigul, Simi Drey, Kaylah Oniwo, Joe Abdallah, Noble Igwe, Bello Kreb, Shine Begho, and more, came through to celebrate with the brand.

In addition, friends and supporters of the brand were also present at the event.

Guests were treated to an eclectic array of food and refreshments courtesy of Dominos Pizza, Cold Stone, Pinkberry, and Coca-Cola, who supported the event. Other vendors thrilled the attendees’ taste buds with barbecued delicacies and more delicious goodies.

Everyone present enjoyed an exhilarating boat cruise across the coastlines of the Landmark Beach & Eko Atlantic, courtesy Alluvia Marine.

DJ Nana’s infectious music selections kept guests dance all day long non-stop, and Ella of Big Brother Naija fame serenaded the crowd with some beautiful songs.

Another memorable element of the event was the beautiful body art paintings by Joe Abdallah. Everyone was excited to have beautiful tattoos done.

Event host, Sheye Banks kept the crowd hyped with his amazing energy and enthralling games he spearheaded.

Media Partners: Silverbird TV (Page 3), NTA, BellaNaija Style, YNaija, Media Room Hub, Style Me Africa, Arcadia TV, ONTV, Spice TV,  Red Carpet On TV, and Eniola Badmus TV.