Toni Tones and Dolapo Osinbajo 1

Toni Tones & VP’s Wife Dolapo Osinbajo Collaborate to Help Advance ‘Yaba Market March’ Cause

Toni Tones is well known for being a stellar actress, singer, and photographer. But did you know she is also a passionate advocate of women’s rights and empowerment?

One of the causes she is currently advocating for is the ‘Yaba Market March’ movement, which was started by Damilola Marcus.  You may recall that Damilola along with a group of women, had organized and embarked on a peaceful market protest at Yaba market a few weeks ago. The rationale behind the protest was to stop women from being victims of marketplace groping, abuse and even physical assault.

The women marched peacefully, urging men at the market not to harass them, as they chanted their slogan, “stop touching us.” They were not deterred be the aggressiveness of the men present. The very next day, there were reports from women saying they had visited Yaba market and no one had touched them, as a direct result of the march.

Toni Tones heard about the movement via social media, and was deeply moved by their cause. Consequently, she sought to help them develop sustainable measures to ensure that women continue to remain safe while visiting the market.

To this end, she facilitated a meeting with activist, her Excellency, Dolapo Osinbajo, wife of the Vice President of Nigeria, to discuss ways in which the government could help support the noble cause.

Her Excellency, graciously hosted Toni Tones and the women who engaged in the market march at her home, where they discussed the market march agenda and the different ways the government could render support.

The meeting ended on a very positive note, with lots of impactful reforms deliberated on.

Osinbajo also came up with an additional slogan for the movement, as follows: “I’m shopping no touching.”

Toni Tones

Toni Tones Talks Challenges Faced in Her Career, Gaining Acceptance as an Actor & More in Flair Magazine

What does it take to stand out in an overcrowded entertainment marketplace? Some would say it takes more than just talent to be noticed. Multi-talented Toni Tones is not just being noticed. She is being remembered.

Born Gbemi Anthonia Adefuye, Toni Tones is a triple-threat force to be reckoned with: She is an actress, singer, and award-winning photographer whose influence in the Nigerian entertainment industry has become undeniable.

Her role in the box office hit ‘King Of boys’ directed by Kemi Adetiba brought Toni Tones critical acclaim. Her electrifying performances in top productions have positioned her as one of the most sought after A-list actors in Nollywood today.

On the road to success, Toni Tones has faced and overcome challenges. In an in-depth interview with The Nation’s Flair Magazine, she speaks about this, and more.

See excerpts from the interview below:

What was it like at the beginning?  

I started my career as a photographer and because of that, it was quite a challenge getting people to take me seriously as an artist and as an actor, at first. At some point, I began to wish I had never started with photography at all, because then I wouldn’t have to fight the tough battle of gaining acceptance, I would just have been able to go straight to building a fan base.  Some OAPs simply wouldn’t play my music because they didn’t take me seriously. It took a lot of hard work, persistence and determination before I was finally accepted in the industry. There were times that I wanted to give up but I am exceedingly happy I didn’t.

What are some of the challenges you have encountered?

It was tough being accepted as an actor because people knew me as a photographer and after then, a musician. Hearing that I was an actor as well, I think it was hard for them to take me seriously initially. A lot of people probably assumed I was just playing around as opposed to chasing my dreams. It seemed like having more than one career was looked upon as a bit of a crime; people tend to put you in a box. They know you for one thing and that is what they choose to be comfortable with and when you try to break out of that box, there’s a lot of opposition. But I am not here to make anybody comfortable, I am here to achieve every single goal that my heart desires and achieve I will.

How do you cope with them? 

I was determined not to be put in a box. I was determined to excel at every single passion I had chosen to pursue. Sometimes, I would ask God why He didn’t just give me one passion so it would have been easier, but I remember praying one day and hearing a voice within me say, “if God has given you many skills, it is meant as a blessing, not a curse.” That put things in perspective for me.  I made a vow never to relent, to give everything I had, to show God I appreciated every skill he had gifted me and I would honour Him by using them. Successful or not, at least I would know I tried. Being able to actually do the things I love is already success to me, because for so long I was afraid to even try. I am glad I never gave up, otherwise I would not be living such a fulfilled life now.

Read full interview on The Nation.